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In the current issue

In brief

Budget ignores social care, an election is won and carers are sentenced. Saba Salman reports

Ability to work in focus

How people are assesssed regarding whether they could do some form of work is to change, so more will have to pursue activities related to employment. Charlie Callanan has good and bad news

Joining the front line

Many former institution inmates enlisted in the US armed forces in the Second World War, showing they had as much of a part to play in wartime as any other American. Susanna Shapland reports

Louche and luxurious

Audience members with profound disabilities are invited into a high-end cocktail bar for a multisensory, immersive performance where everyone plays a part. Simon Jarrett raises a glass

Joining the dots

Thomas Owen’s artworks layer intricate detail and tiny spots alongside vibrant colours. Saba Salman hears from him and support worker Suzana Stoyanova

Medieval to modern

Assumptions and attitudes regarding the value and abilities of people with learning disabilities can be turned around by changing circumstances, as this history by Simon Jarrett shows. Below is an edited extract covering the medieval era, the First World War and Camphill communities.

How to be a citizen

In their book, part story and part guide, self-advocate Wendy Perez and activist Simon Duffy set out the building blocks to being a citizen. Each chapter in this book by and for people with learning disabilities offers ideas, red flags and a story from Perez’ life. Below is an edited extract.

Speaking for inpatients

A review has found that advocacy for people in mental health settings may not meet needs and is often led by processes rather than people. A national approach is needed, says Gail Petty

Musical magic

An album of songs has been written and recorded by young people working with music industry professionals. Saba Salman was on the guest list

A grim breach of human rights

The government has issued an apology to both a care home resident and his mother following systematic neglect and cruelty. Catriona Rubens and Alison Millar report

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