What’s the Residential Forum?

The Residential Forum is an independent body of thinkers seeking to promote supported accommodation and residential living as a positive choice for people of all ages and thereby make a contribution to public life in the UK.

Whilst it is concerned with all social care, it includes learning disabilities and its manifesto would support principles and concerns that Community Living magazine shares. It aims to:

  1. Make living in supported accommodation and residential settings a positive choice
  2. Build a culture of respect for each tenant or resident and their relatives
  3. Personalise caring and support though co-production
  4. Ensure positive leadership at provider, professional and political levels
  5. Reform the commissioning of supported accommodation and residential living services
  6. Resource supported accommodation and residential living for a fair price and a fair wage
  7. Regulate for better outcomes, safeguards and quality

See their website for more information  The Residential Forum