Page 4 - Community Living Magazine 31 - 4
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       Campaigning for equal citizenship
       for people with learning disabilities

                  Community Living
              campaigns for equal rights
        in every aspect of life for people with
           learning disabilities so they can
         achieve everything we would want
                      for ourselves
          We regularly cover benefits, social
           care law, housing, good practice,
            history, the arts, research and

           we also publish interviews with
              people making a name for
          themselves in learning disabilities
                                                         All subscribers receive a printed and digital version

             I would like to subscribe to Community Living and enclose my cheque (made out to CL Initiatives Ltd) for £..............
             Pay securely by PayPal from: Please ensure you include your postal address on the form.
          You can also pay by standing order or by direct bank transfer to HSBC (Chorley) sort code: 40-17-21 acc no: 31492489.

         £ £30 individuals, local charities and small private organisations
         £50 authorities, national charities paying through their head office and national private organisations
         £26 bulk rate – price each for two or more     £20 each for 10 or more to one UK address: number required: .....
         £23 unpaid carers, unwaged and those working 10 or fewer hours per week
         £18 students studying a relevant course                                                                $
         £37 Eire and Europe personal             £56 eire and europe authorities
         £43 overseas personal                    £58 overseas authorities


        email                                                telephone (for enquiries)

        How did you find out about Community Living?

             Send to: CL Initiatives Ltd, No 6 The Square, Waterhouse Green, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 7LF
                                                      tel 0125 727 0430
                          Community Living is published quarterly by a small charity, CL Initiatives Ltd, with support from Three Cs,
                 Integrate (Preston & Chorley), Linkability, University of Central Lancashire, the Elfrida Society, Respond and the Westminster Society

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